Investing! This is consistently given as one of the most confusing topics individuals face. Investing is simply using your money and possessions to create more money and possessions. The goal for any investment is to gain more in return and there are countless ways to do this.
We know that you have dreams that you want to accomplish. However, every single dream you have will cost money. If you want to fund the biggest dreams of your life, you must invest. A farmer clearly understands this fact. What if the farmer chose to "hope" for a harvest but refused to sow seed into the ground? There would be nothing to gather at harvest time! The farmer would have a better chance of capturing a magical unicorn than he would of reaping an abundant harvest. It is with this thought that we sum up the principle of investing:
Where you have a written plan for your life with specific hopes and dreams, it will drive you to manage your finances better. It does require focus. It is critical that you prioritize investing. Establish your investments, make them automatic, review them regularly, and choose to win with your money!
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