Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Have you ever thought about selling on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, but the thought of being given counterfeit money holds you back? In this episode, we’re discussing the security features of money and how you can know if your cash is legitimate or counterfeit. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re talking about lending restrictions and how the Coronavirus pandemic has played a role in a significant change. Our success story comes from Pastor Marty, who has been able to climb up the I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. Ladder and fund dreams he never thought were possible.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we share security features of money so you can know if you’ve been given a counterfeit bill.
In our Current Money Events segment, we discuss lending restrictions and how the Coronavirus pandemic has played a role in a significant change.
Our success story comes from Pastor Marty, who has been able to climb up the I Was Broke. Now I’m Not. Ladder and fund dreams he never thought were possible.
Episode 03: Making Savings a Priority
Episode 04: The Non-Financial Benefits of Saving Money
Episode 29: All About Budgeting
Episode 59: Budgeting Tips
Episode 63: 0% Balance Transfer Credit Cards
Episode 83: Monday Saving Tips
Episode 86: Pay Cash for Next Christmas (or a Vacation!)
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Facebook: I Was Broke Now I’m Not | Joseph Sangl
Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
Instagram: @iwbnin | joesangl
Website: www.iwbnin.com | www.josephsangl.com