Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Could your coffee be worth $1 million? If so, that’s some expensive coffee. In this episode, we’re talking about how you can get a million dollars, and the key could be that morning cup of joe! In our Current Money Events segment, we’re discussing what a new stimulus plan could mean and why it hasn’t been passed yet. Our success story comes from Jane, who had a major expense come up but wasn’t worried about paying for it.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re talking about how you can get a million dollars, and the key could be that morning cup of joe!
In our Current Money Events segment, we’re discussing what a new stimulus plan would mean and why we believe it hasn’t been passed yet.
Our success story comes from Jane, who had a major expense come up but wasn’t worried about paying for it.
Episode 64: How to Become a Millionaire
Episode 83: Money Saving Tips
Episode 88: “No” Allows You to Say, “ Yes”
Episode 103: Secret Financial Robbers
Episode 110: Investing 101
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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