Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Do you struggle to pay your bills on time? Should you automate your payments? In this episode, we’re discussing the benefits and power of automation. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re sharing ten things you could do to help your finances in the last 46 days of the year. Our success story comes from Ann, who shares how she had a conversation about money with her son that changed how he managed his finances.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re discussing the benefits and power of automation.
In our Current Money Events segment, we’re sharing ten things you could do to help your finances in the last 46 days of the year.
Our success story comes from Ann, who shares how she had a conversation about money with her son that changed how he managed his finances.
10 Things You Could Do Now
Refinance your home to take advantage of historically low rates
Roll a high-interest credit card balance to a 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card
Prepare a budget for December and follow it!
Prepare a Christmas budget to ensure you don’t incur any debt.
Call your cable/internet company and ask for a discount.
Sell some stuff and pay off a debt.
Prepare a monthly budget for all of 2021 - just to get a vision of “what could be” if you follow through on your financial decisions.
Adjust contributions to your retirement account (401k, 403b, 457, TSP, IRA, Roth IRA, etc.)
Plan a quick trip with your family
Adjust contributions to your kid’s (grandkid’s) 529 college savings plans
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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