Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Is it your dream to pay for or help your child pay for college? It can seem like an overwhelming task, so when it comes to saving for college, how much money do you actually need? In this episode, we’re discussing how much money you need to save for your child’s college education and what investment vehicle is best to fund their education. If it’s your dream or desire to be able to help your child graduate from college without any student loan debt, this is the episode for you! In our Current Money Events segment, we’re sharing how to end the year well. Our success story comes from Mike and Chonda, who recently participated in our 40-Day Budget Challenge. They see the difference that a budget and cash envelopes can make.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re discussing how much money you need to save for your child’s college education and what investment vehicle is best to fund their education.
In our Current Money Events segment, we’re sharing how to end the year well.
Our success story comes from Mike and Chonda, who recently participated in our 40-Day Budget Challenge. They see the difference that a budget and cash envelopes can make.
Episode 10: How Can My Kids Avoid Student Loans
Episode 11: Should I Pay For My Child's College?
Episode 44: How To Pay For College
Episode 57: Saving For College
Episode 116: 2 Ways to Produce Income
Episode 121: How the Debt Snowball Works
Episode 123: How to Choose the Right College
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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