Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! When it comes to budgeting, how do you get started? In this episode, we’re sharing four easy steps to creating your budget. If you need help creating your budget or know someone who does need help, this is the perfect episode. In our Current Money Events segment, we’ll talk about the disappearance of COVID-19 and its impact on the economy. Our success story comes from Carolyn, who paid off 11 credit cards and is now paying double on the car to continue her way towards debt-freedom!
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re sharing four easy steps to creating your budget.
In our Current Money Events segment, we’ll talk about the disappearance of COVID-19 and its impact on the economy.
Our success story comes from Carolyn, who paid off 11 credit cards and is now paying double on the car to continue her way towards debt-freedom!
Episode 107: Budgeting With Unpredictable Income
Episode 122: Gaining Control of the Finances
Episode 128: Debt-Free While Working a Job We Love
Episode 130: Preparing for a New Year
Episode 131: 3 Things You Can Do This Week to Win in 2021
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Facebook: I Was Broke Now I’m Not | Joseph Sangl
Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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