Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Have you ever wondered why we humans are so emotional about money? In this episode, we’re talking about why we humans have so many feelings about money, including joy, sadness, anger, frustration, humiliation, fear, jubilation, hope despair, exhaustion. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re giving an update on the United States National Debt and how you can help make a difference. Our success story comes from Billy and Renee, who just paid off $64,000 of debt in 30 months!!
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re talking about why we humans have so many feelings about money, including joy, sadness, anger, frustration, humiliation, fear, jubilation, hope despair, exhaustion.
In our Current Money Events segment, we’re giving an update on the United States National Debt and how you can help make a difference.
Our success story comes from Billy and Renee, who just paid off $64,000 of debt in 30 months!!
Episode 125: “I Can’t” vs. “How”
Episode 128: Debt-Free While Working a Job We Love
Episode 132: How to Find a Good Money Coach
Episode 133: How to Track Your Financial Accounts
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Facebook: I Was Broke Now I’m Not | Joseph Sangl
Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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Website: www.iwbnin.com | www.josephsangl.com