Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Have you ever had a surprise expense that blows up your budget? Well, we can’t eliminate surprise expenses from showing up, but we can be prepared for them financially so that they don’t destroy your budget. In this episode, we’re going to talk about five steps you can take to prevent “surprising expenses” from blindsiding you and derailing you on your way to a Fully Funded Life. In our Current Events segment, we’re discussing different investing apps. Our success story comes from Elizabeth, a member of our Fully Funded Life Community, and was able to cover a major repair without having to dip into the credit cards!
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re going to talk about five steps you can take to prevent “surprising expenses” from blindsiding you and derailing you on your way to a Fully Funded Life.
In our Current Events segment, we’re discussing different investing apps.
Our success story comes from Elizabeth, a member of our Fully Funded Life Community, and was able to cover a major repair without having to dip into the credit cards!
Episode 120: Saving for KUEs
Episode 134: 4 Steps to Budgeting
Episode 136: How to Maximize Your 2021 Tax Refund
Episode 137: 5 Tip to Help You Absolutely, Positively, Actually Follow Your Budget
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Facebook: I Was Broke Now I’m Not | Joseph Sangl
Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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