Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast. Summer vacations are coming up! Do you do well with your budget throughout the year but blow it during the summer? It can be easy to throw aside all your good money habits when school routine comes to an end. In this episode, we’re sharing tips to help you stick to your budget during the summer months. In our Current Events segment, we’re discussing the key takeaways from the gas shortage in the Southeast. Our success story comes from Jennifer, who has realized the value of a dollar and is saving for known upcoming expenses, and is now able to pay cash for things that previously went on the credit card.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re sharing tips to help you stick to your budget during the summer months.
In our Current Events segment, we’re discussing the key takeaways from the gas shortage in the Southeast.
Our success story comes from Jennifer, who has realized the value of a dollar and is saving for known upcoming expenses, and is now able to pay cash for things that previously went on the credit card.
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