Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast. How much is “normal” for a person to spend in the different categories for their budget? In this episode, we’ll break down how to create a balanced budget and what percentage of your income should go to each category in your budget. For example, what is a “normal” amount for people to spend on groceries, housing, etc.? In our Current Events segment, we’ll discuss updated interest rates for savings accounts, CDs, and mortgages. Our success story comes from Todd, who has been able to make considerable changes in his finances in just three months, including paying off a car loan and saving a month’s salary.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’ll break down how to create a balanced budget and what percentage of your income should go to each category in your budget. For example, what is a “normal” amount for people to spend on groceries, housing, etc.?
In our Current Events segment, we’ll discuss updated interest rates for savings accounts, CDs, and mortgages.
Our success story comes from Todd, who has been able to make considerable changes in his finances in just three months, including paying off a car loan and saving a month’s salary.
Average Percentages for a Balanced Budget (Download a copy HERE)
Giving 10-15%
Saving 10-15%
Housing 15-35% (including utilities)
House Payment < 25%
Including escrowed taxes, insurance, PMI
Transportation 10-20%
Including gasoline, taxes, insurance, and repairs
Food 10-20%
Clothing 5-10%
Other Debts < 10%
Not including house and car payments
Entertainment 5-10%
All other. 5-10%
Episode 09: Tithing - Gross vs. Net Income
Episode 120: Saving for KUEs
Episode 137: 5 Tip to Help You Absolutely, Positively, Actually Follow Your Budget
Episode 143: 5 Steps to Avoid Budget-Busting Expenses
Episode 155: The Power of the IHHE Moment
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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