Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast. When you hear the phrase - “Spending Challenge,” what do you think? In this episode, Joe sits down with Sarah Piercy to discuss what a spending challenge is and who can benefit from participating in this challenge. If you’ve been listening to the podcast faithfully over the last couple of years, you will remember Sarah joining us last year to discuss her year-long spending fasts. We invited her back because she has created The 30-Day Spending Challenge that we’re launching later this month. She’ll be coaching participants on how to prep for and successfully complete their first month-long fast from spending. Before we kick-off the challenge, we wanted to have Sarah back to share her heart behind the fast and what she’s hoping people will experience through it.
About the Episode:
In this episode, Joe sits down with Sarah Piercy to discuss what a spending challenge is and who can benefit from participating in this challenge.
Sarah joins us after creating The 30-Day Spending Challenge that we’re launching later this month. She’ll be coaching participants on how to prep for and successfully complete their first month-long fast from spending.
Before we kick-off the challenge, we wanted to have Sarah back to share her heart behind the fast and what she’s hoping people will experience through it.
About Sarah Piercy
Sarah is a wife, mom of 3, friend and follower of Jesus. She spent almost 10 years in ministry as Executive Assistant to Lead Pastor, Carey Nieuwhof, in Ontario, Canada and continues to work with Carey today. She loves people, good conversations, and challenging herself with life-experiments for personal progress and spiritual growth. She writes about her exploration of what makes life rich, meaningful, and worth living from her blog, writtenforthegood.com and she lives with her family just north of Toronto.
Episode 76: Spending Fast
Episode 96: Is Now the Time for a Spending Fast?
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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