In Episode 17 of the Monday Money Tip Podcast, my co-host, Megan Hibbard and I are talking more in depth about Marriage and Money. The question we will be answering today comes from Ericka whose husband leaves the finances completely up to her and she needs help! Her question is: "I'm 35 years old and I've been married for 2 years. My husband leaves the money and bill and all of our finances in my hands. I tried putting us on a budget and it works but we still continue to use credit cards. I can't seem to get him on board and I really need to see what I NEED to do to move in the right direction. It's hard because we have a daughter that just started high school this year and I feel like I can't give her or do much for her and she's involved with stuff that costs money and most of the time we can't afford it. It hurts and I can use any advice." We have all of that for you today and much more.
About the Episode:
Joe shares staggering statistics about the cost of raising a child to age 18.
Hear a success story about a couple who was ready to throw in the towel but remained faithful during their process.
Megan has some quiet ways that you can win with your money even with a non-participating spouse.
Get some tips from Joe about good ways that you can talk to your spouse about your hopes and dreams.
Successfully Manage Money With A Non-Participating Spouse eBook
Quote of the Day:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” - Philippians 4:13
MMT Podcast Episode 2 - Known, Upcoming Expenses
Cost of Raising a Child
Saving Spectaculars
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