Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast. In 2022, we’re going to have a series focused on the Foundational Elements of the Fully Funded Life Ladder. In this episode, we’re going to discuss the Foundational Element of the Fully Funded Life Ladder - Financial Coaches. In our Current Event Segment, we’re discussing the rise of the EV Market and what that could mean for energy companies. Our success story comes from Kelley, who’s journey with money was changed after she attended a Financial Learning Experience. Check out this episode to hear what her family is going to do once they are debt-free!
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re going to discuss the Foundational Element of the Fully Funded Life Ladder - Financial Coaches.
In our Current Event Segment, we’re discussing the rise of the EV Market and what that could mean for energy companies.
Our success story comes from Kelley, who’s journey with money was changed after she attended a Financial Learning Experience. Check out this episode to hear what her family is going to do once they are debt-free!
Episode 80: The Power of Coaching
Episode 108: Financial Teachers You Should Learn From
Episode 166: Things I’d Do Differently
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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