Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast. Today, we are continuing a series we feature from time to time here on the MMT Podcast: “Foundational Elements” of the Fully Funded Life Ladder. Today’s Foundational Element is “Known Upcoming Expenses” – We call them KUEs, for short, around here. This is such a vital component of your financial planning, and we are so glad we get to focus on it today. In our Current Event Segment, we are talking about how today affects the future. Our success story comes from David and his wife, who have had a successful first month of budgeting and are excited to start saving!
About the Episode:
In this episode, we are discussing “Known Upcoming Expenses”, or KUEs. .
In our Current Event Segment, we are talking about how today affects the future.
Our success story comes from David and his wife, who have had a successful first month of budgeting and are excited to start saving!
Episode 189: This or That? Save or Pay Off Debt?
Episode 182: Level of Expectation Determines Level of Preparation
Episode 143: 5 Steps to Avoid Budget Busting Expenses
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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