Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast. Today, we are addressing the topic of whether or not kids should have credit cards. In our current events segment, we cover the upcoming student loan forgiveness and whether or not you should accept that forgiveness. Today’s success story comes from Jayme, he and his wife have paid off their house, cars, and are now enjoying their financial freedom thanks to the encouragement from Fully Funded Life!
About the Episode:
In this episode, we are addressing the topic of whether or not kids should have credit cards.
In our current events segment, we cover the upcoming student loan forgiveness and whether or not you should accept that forgiveness.
Today’s success story comes from Jayme: he and his wife have paid off their house, cars, and are now enjoying their financial freedom thanks to the encouragement from Fully Funded Life!
Episode 197: Kids and Bank Accounts
Episode 167: How to Teach Your Kids About Savings
Episode 144: How to Teach Your Kids About Budgeting
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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