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Welcome back to a new year and a new episode of the Monday Money Tip Podcast! We know that New Year Resolutions are extremely popular during this time, but typically die off by the end of the month. Today, we will be discussing how you can create goals and actually sustain them long after January is gone. We will share a success story about a man who paid off $70,000 in credit card debt and put Joe in the hot seat to answer some questions!

About the Episode: 

  • Hear how you can create and actually sustain goals in 2019 by celebrating milestones along the way.

  • Megan shares a success story from Michael who paid of $70,000 in credit card debt.

  • Joe shares the importance of meeting with a financial coach, sharing your journey and being a continual learner.

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Quote of the Day:
“If you discover ways to sustain good financial decisions over years, even decades, you’ll never lack for anything.” -Joe Sangl

Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.


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