Ep 28.png


In Episode 29 of the Monday Money Tip Podcast, we’re talking all about budgeting! It’s a new year and you can get your year off to the best start with a budget! Joe and Megan will share how they make budgeting EZ and how you can too! Joe will share some statistics about the average car payment and we have a success story from a participant of our last budget challenge.

About the Episode: 

  • Hear some alarming statistics about the average car payment.

  • Megan shares an exciting story from one of our last Budget Challenge participants.

  • Joe shares how you can become good at budgeting.

  • Learn the key to budgeting with irregular income.

IWBNIN Next Steps - Insurance
Average Car Payment Article
Budget Tools
Budget Challenge

Quote of the Day: “The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty.” - Proverbs 21:5

Email info@iwbnin.com to ask questions or share success stories.


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