Welcome back to another episode of the Monday Money Tip Podcast! On today’s episode, we’re going to discuss different ways that you can stay inspired while on your money journey to keep you from getting discouraged. In our Current Money Events segment of the podcast, we will discuss current mortgage, savings and CD rates. Finally, we will share a success story from an individual who got a renewed perspective on budgeting and as a result got a kick start on her financial freedom journey.
About the Episode:
We will give you a quarterly update on current mortgage, saving and CD rates.
Hear a success story from an individual who got a renewed perspective on budgeting and a kick-start on her financial freedom journey.
Learn ways to stay inspired while on your money journey.
We will explain the importance of calculating your net worth at least annually.
0% Balance Transfer Credit Card
IWBNIN Next Steps: Banking
Debt Snowball Video
Net Worth Calculator
Quote of the Day: “When you convert ''inspiration” into “action”, you position yourself to prosper!” - Joe Sangl
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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Website: www.iwbnin.com | www.josephsangl.com