Welcome to Episode 42 of the Monday Money Tip Podcast! April is more than halfway over, and many people are in the process of spring cleaning around their home. On today’s episode of the podcast, we’re going to share some ways that you can “spring clean” your finances as well! We will remind you of ways to have a debt-free vacation this year in our Current Money Events segment and share a success story from an individual who recently attended one of our live events.
About the Episode:
We will discuss how to have a debt-free vacation in our Current Money Events segment.
Hear a success story from an individual who attended one of our live events and has since paid off his car and saved a month's worth of his salary.
We will explain some different ways to “spring clean” your finances this season.
Learn how to let go of some unnecessary expenses in time for summer.
IWBNIN Next Steps: Insurance
Mini-Budget Tool
8 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances Article
8 Tips to Spring Clean Your Finances Article 2
Quote of the Day: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” - William Morris
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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Website: www.iwbnin.com | www.josephsangl.com