Happy Monday! Another episode of the Monday Money Tip Podcast is LIVE! We are joined again this week by guest co-host, Jenn Sangl to share some tips for high school and college graduates to navigate this new season. We will discuss the history of the stock market in our Current Money Events portion of the podcast. Finally, we will share a success story from an individual who attended one of our live events and has experienced positive changes in her finances.
About the Episode:
Get an all new stock market update in our Current Money Events portion of the podcast.
Our success story today comes from an individual who attended a Financial Learning Experience and has already experienced a positive change in her finances.
We will share some tips for those graduating high school and college and starting their first jobs.
Learn how much you can save year over year simply by packing your lunch.
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Quote of the Day: “You never have to recover from a great start!” - Ken Friar
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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