Episode 71.png


Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! How are you when it comes to saving money? Would you say you’re a saver or a spender? Today on the podcast, we’re helping you discover ways to save money so you can break the never-ending cycle of saving and then having a massive expense wreck your progress. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re updating you on Joe’s new book, 20/20 Money: Gaining Clarity for Your Financial Future. Our success story today comes from Rallyn, who just paid off two student loans using the debt snowball method!  

About the Episode: 

  • Today, we’re answering: “I can’t really seem to figure out how to save money! We manage to save up a little bit of money, but then something big seems to always happen and take us back to zero. Can you help me figure out how to overcome this seemingly never-ending cycle?”

  • In our Current Money Events segment, we’re updating you on Joe’s new book, 20/20 Money: Gaining Clarity for Your Financial Future.

  • Hear a success story from Rallyn, who just paid off two student loans using the debt snowball method!      

Debt Freedom Date Calculator
Pre-Sale: 20/20 Money
Known, Upcoming Expense Calculator
MMT Podcast - Episode 61: IWBNIN Ladder - Explained
Next Steps - Online Banks 

Quote of the Day: “You can not prosper if you do not save.” - Joe Sangl

Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.


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Twitter: @iwasbroke  |  @joesangl
Instagram: @iwbnin  |  joesangl
Website: www.iwbnin.com  |  www.josephsangl.com