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Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Can you believe Thanksgiving is next Thursday? On today’s episode, we’re speaking on the topic of gratefulness. Join us as we help you prepare for this upcoming season because when you’re grateful, you manage money differently. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re sharing a story from Joe’s new book, 20/20 Money: Gaining Clarity for Your Financial Future. Our success story today comes from Russell, who went from having $40K in debt to no debt and $29K in savings! 

About the Episode: 

  • Today, we’re answering: “Thanksgiving for the United States of America is happening next Thursday. Can you speak on the topic of gratefulness?”

  • In our Current Money Events segment, we’re sharing a story from Joe’s new book, 20/20 Money: Gaining Clarity for Your Financial Future.

  • Hear a success story from Russell, who went from having $40K in debt to no debt and $29K in savings!      

Next Steps - Online Banks
Pre-Sale: 20/20 Money
Budgeting Tools
Article - 10 Top Habits of Grateful People 

Quote of the Day: “Grateful people define their self worth by their determination and their dreams, not their regrets and disappointments.” - Judy Belmont, Psychotherapist [Lifehack.org Article]

“I’d rather have $1 and be grateful than $1 million and ungrateful.” - Joe Sangl

Grateful Money Habits vs. Ungrateful Money Habits

  • “Thankful for what I have” vs “I need more”

  • “Enough” vs “More”

  • “Appreciate” vs “Unappreciative”

  • “Plans Every Dollar Thoughtfully” vs “Spends Money Wildly”

  • “Maximizes Money” vs “Frivolously Wastes Money”

  • “Budgets” vs “Does not Budget”

  • “Keeps things in perspective” vs. “Reacts impulsively - and negatively”

  • “Positive” vs “Negative”

  • “Content” vs “Lack of Contentment”

  • “Happy” vs “Displeased”

  • “Enjoys the Journey” vs “Destination or bust”

  • “Optimistic” vs “Pessimistic”

Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.


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Twitter: @iwasbroke  |  @joesangl
Instagram: @iwbnin  |  joesangl
Website: www.iwbnin.com  |  www.josephsangl.com