Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! It’s a New Year and with that often comes new goals and resolutions. In this episode, we’re sharing some tips that could help you get off to a great start in 2020. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re updating you on banking stats, including mortgage rates, basic saving rates, and CD rates. Our success story today comes from Scott, who just became debt-free, including his house! In total, Scott paid-off $263,000!
About the Episode:
Today, we’re answering: “I want to make a lot of progress with my finances in 2020. Can you share some tips that could help me get off to a great start?”
In our Current Money Events segment, we’re updating you on banking stats, including mortgage rates, basic saving rates, and CD rates
Hear a success story from Scott, who just became debt-free, including his house! In total, Scott paid-off $263,000!
20/20 Money: Gaining Clarity For Your Financial Future
0% Balance Transfer Credit Card
Next Steps - Banking
Recommended Books
Joe’s Books
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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