Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! COVID-19 has created a new normal for all of us and changed the way we do life. It appears like the economy is going to take quite a while to recover the Coronavirus Recession. In this episode, we’re talking about what you need to do with your money during this type of economy. In our Current Money Events segment, we’re giving a Coronavirus update as it applies to your finances. Our success story comes from all our small business friends who have been able to receive the money from the Paycheck Protection Program.
About the Episode:
Today, we’re talking about what you need to do with your money during this type of economy since it appears like it’s going to take a while to recover from the Coronavirus Recession.
In our Current Money Events segment, we’re giving an Coronavirus update as it applies to your finances.
Our success story comes from all our small business friends who have been able to receive the money from the Paycheck Protection Program.
Grad Special
COVID-19 Resources
TOOLS: Budgeting
FB Live: High School Students & Money
FB Live: College Students & Money
FB Live: Maximize CARES Act Cash
BOOK: Oxen: The Key to an Abundant Harvest
Verse: “Let Pharaoh appoint commissioners over the land to take a fifth of the harvest of Egypt during the seven years of abundance.” - Genesis 41:34
Episode 01: Creating a Budget That Actually Works
Episode 02: Budgeting With Irregular Income
Episode 29: All About Budgeting
Episode 83: Money Saving Tips
Episode 91: COVID-19 & 10 Financial Steps You Can Take Now
Episode 92: Help! I Can’t Pay My Bills
Episode 93: How to Maximize Your CARES Act Cash
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
Follow Us:
Facebook: I Was Broke Now I’m Not | Joseph Sangl
Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
Instagram: @iwbnin | joesangl
Website: www.iwbnin.com | www.josephsangl.com