Welcome to the Monday Money Tip Podcast! Last year, we shared Sarah’s story, who went on a year-long spending fast (Episode 76). We had such a great response to this episode we wanted you to hear directly from Sarah. In this episode, listen to Sarah explain why she did this spending fast (twice!), how it changed her and her family, and what lessons she learned through this. Sarah provides practical steps and encouragement if you’re wondering if a spending fast is right for you.
About the Episode:
In this episode, we’re joined by guest Sarah Piercy (listen to episode 76), who explains why she did a spending fast (twice!), how it changed her and her family, and what lessons she learned through it.
We’ll explain what a spending fast is and if now is the right time to embark on one.
Hear practical steps and encouragement from Sarah if you’re looking to do a spending fast.
Sarah Piercy’s Bio
Sarah spent almost a decade in ministry as the Executive Assistant to the Lead Pastor of a growing church in Ontario, Canada, before welcoming her first son. She digs into her faith, her relationships, and herself to grow, and she’s known for challenging herself with life-experiments to make personal progress. Sarah continues to work part-time as an Executive Assistant, and on any given day, you’ll find her wearing many hats. Wife, mother, professional, personal chef, housekeeper, and - when she carves out that golden margin - she loves to write about her exploration of what makes life rich, meaningful, and worth living. She lives with her husband and two boys (with another sweet baby on the way) just north of Toronto.
Follow Sarah at
Website: United & Untied
Instagram: @sarahvpiercy
Twitter: @sarahvpiercy
Facebook: /sarahvpiercy
Episode 01: Creating a Budget That Actually Works
Episode 29: All About Budgeting
Episode 76: Spending Fast
Episode 83: Money Saving Tips
Episode 91: COVID-19 & 10 Financial Steps You Can Take Now
Episode 92: Help! I Can’t Pay My Bills
Episode 93: How to Maximize Your CARES Act Cash
Episode 95: Winning With Money During a Recession
Email [email protected] to ask questions or share success stories.
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Facebook: I Was Broke Now I’m Not | Joseph Sangl
Twitter: @iwasbroke | @joesangl
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