We all have that DREAM vacation in mind. What’s yours? Is it Bora Bora, an African safari, New Zealand, or another miraculous place?
The truth is, saving up for that dream vacation can seem daunting, even impossible at times. However, today, we're going to tackle the obstacles that stand between you and your dream vacation fund and trust me, by the end of this journey, that dream vacation will be closer than ever before.
Lack of Financial Planning
Often that vacation can feel so out of reach because we’ve been dreaming not planning. Without a plan, it's easy to financially drift aimlessly. Take some time to create a budget and a financial plan tailored to your dream vacation. Mark a date on the calendar, it could be this year or three years from now, and set aside a specific amount each month leading up to that date. Just watch how your vacation fund begins to grow!
Unnecessary Spending
As you work towards your dream vacation, begin identifying between wants and needs. What do you need to say ‘no’ to for a season to save for your dream trip? Before swiping that card or adding it to the cart, ask yourself if it's worth sacrificing a slice of paradise for.
Unexpected Expenses
Life has a funny way of throwing curveballs when we least expect it. Car repairs, medical bills, home maintenance – you name it, these expenses can drastically affect your vacation fund if you don’t have other savings. Building an emergency fund is like having a financial safety net. It cushions those unexpected blows and can keep your dream vacation fund intact.
‘I’ll start saving tomorrow…” Well, tomorrow turns into next week, next week turns into next year, and before you know it nothing has been saved. Don’t let procrastination delay your progress. Start today, even if it's just a small amount. Your future self will thank you for it.
Avoid these four habits and start building your dream vacation fund today!