Are you tired of the never-ending struggle to save money? Do you find yourself caught in a cycle of starting to save, losing track, and then starting over again?
It's time to take a step back and evaluate your foundation. Is it the RIGHT foundation to help you achieve your financial plans, hopes, and dreams?
Have you set your financial goals? (What are you working towards…)
Do you have an emergency fund built for when life happens? (Are you protecting yourself with the right insurance: health, home, car, disability, etc)
Prepare for known, upcoming expenses. (Like birthdays, insurance premiums, property taxes, etc. These should not bust your budget!)
After reviewing your foundation, start prioritizing your savings. Treat saving money with the same level of importance as paying bills. Consider it a debt owed to yourself. Recognize that saving money is a choice and prioritize it over non-essential expenses.
A few tips:
Separate Your Savings: To prevent accidental spending, move your savings to a separate bank account. This separation creates a mental barrier and makes it less tempting to dip into your savings for impulsive purchases.
Use Cash Envelopes for Specific Expenses: For impulsive cash areas like groceries, dining out, entertainment, and clothing, use cash envelopes. Allocate a fixed amount for each category and stick to it!
Reevaluate Subscriptions and Daily Habits: Identify and cut out unnecessary membership subscriptions or daily habits that drain your finances. Do you need every single streaming platform? Probably not.
Seek Better Insurance Deals: Consider changing insurance providers for home and auto to potentially find better deals.
Remember, it's never too late to start saving – the key is to take that first step and stay consistent on your financial journey!