Do you have a vision for your money? Have you identified your WHY?
When you receive those precious Washingtons, Lincolns, Hamiltons, Jacksons, and Franklins, do you have a clear idea for the utilization of each one of them? Or is that money dead on arrival – doomed to be sent on its way without advancing you toward your life’s plans, hopes, and dreams – your Fully Funded Life?
Without a clear vision, it is highly likely that the money will disappear with little to no progress. After all, there are so many things competing for your dollars:
Student Loans
And everything in between! When we experience financial setbacks, which will occur often, it can be easy to just give in and give up saying soothing statements like:
“We just can’t ever seem to get ahead financially.”
“We’ll never win with money.”
“I need to win the lottery.”
I encourage you to write down your vision for the money you’ll be receiving between now and the rest of the year. You’ve still got five months to experience a massive shift toward your preferred financial future! Get started today!